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Right-click the Listary tray icon and go to Options -> Features -> Commands

What are Commands?

With Listary, you can use command-line methods to use system commands or to call any apps. For example:

  • Use system commands

    • Use cmd (Command Prompt) or psh (PowerShell) to open the command line in the current directory.
    • Use touch or mkdir to create files or folders in the current directory.
    • Use shutdown to turn off the computer.
  • Call other apps

    • Run open/create commands in notepad.exe
    • Other customized commands

Parameters supported by Listary:

  • "{query}": The query input after the keyword
  • "{current_folder}": The current directory

How to use Commands?

You can use Commands in two ways: in the global search window or the Windows File Explorer.

  • In the global search window, Listary can use the parameter: "{query}"

  • In Windows File Explorer, Listary can use parameters: "{query}" and "{current_folder}"

Use Command in the global search window

Double-click Ctrl, then enter Command keyword query in the search box to trigger the command (you can leave the query blank).

Example 1

  • Double-click Ctrl, then enter shutdown to shut down the computer.

This command has no parameters.

Example 2

  • Double-click Ctrl, then enter notepad Listary to open or create a Notepad document named "Listary".

parameter "{query}" = Listary

Use Command in Windows File Explorer

In the Windows File Explorer, enter Command keyword query directly to trigger the command (you can leave the query blank).

Example 3

  • Open the "Userdata" folder, then enter cmd to open Command Prompt directly in the directory of the "Userdata" folder.

parameter "{current_folder}" = C:\Users\Chann\AppData\Roaming\Listary\UserData

Example 4

  • Open the "Userdata" folder, then enter mkdir new to create a new folder named "new" inside the "Userdata" folder.

parameter "{query}" = new
parameter "{current_folder}" = C:\Users\Chann\AppData\Roaming\Listary\UserData

Listary built-in Commands

For your convenience, Listary has built-in some commands that you can use directly.

KeywordCommand nameFunction
optOptionsOpen Listary Options
..Go to Parent FolderGo to Parent Folder
(Only use in Windows File Explorer)
mkdirCreate FolderCreate a folder in the current directory
(Only use in Windows File Explorer)
cmdCommand Promptopen Command Prompt directly in the current directory
cmdaCommand Prompt (Admin)open Command Prompt directly in the current directory as Admin
pshPowerShellopen PowerShell directly in the current directory
pshaPowerShell (Admin)open PowerShell directly in the current directory as Admin
touchCreate FileCreate a file in the current directory
(Only use in Windows File Explorer)
shutdownShutdown ComputerShutdown computer
rebootReboot ComputerReboot computer
uninstallUninstall a ProgramOpen the Control Panel to uninstall a program
connectionsNetwork ConnectionsOpen network connections
hostsEdit HostsOpen hosts with the default text editor
Requires write permissions

Customize your Commands

Click ➕ to add, ➖ to delete, and use the "Enable" checkbox to toggle Commands. To modify, select the item and the related setting will appear below.

HotkeyNoKey combination to quickly activate this command.Ctrl+L
ScopeNoThe scope of the hotkey.
  • Any app: Has the broadest scope and can be triggered anywhere within the computer's operating system.
  • File Explorer: Can only be triggered within Windows File Explorer or desktop.
  • Listary: Can only be triggered in Listary.
KeywordYesThe keyword to activate this command.hosts
TitleYesThe name or description of this command.Edit Hosts
Command Prompt
PathYesThe path of the program that this command calls. If the system has already been set up with the correct environment, you can directly input the program's name.notepad.exe
ParameterNoParameters that are used when executing this command. (Refer to the docs of the third-party software to understand which parameters can be used)

Parameters supported by Listary:
  • "{query}": The query input after the keyword
  • "{current_folder}": The current directory
-search "{query}"
/s /t 4
Working directoryNoThe working directory of this command
(If left blank, the default is the current directory.)
Check box: Silent-Run this command in the background.
Check box: Run as admin-Run this command as an administrator.

When running with administrative privileges, be mindful of the command's security due to elevated permissions. Upon command activation, based on the User Account Control (UAC) level, the system might display a dialogue box, causing brief screen dimming, blackouts, or flickering. If you wish to adjust your UAC settings, please refer to Microsoft Help.